Wednesday, 25 November 2015

You Can Be Anything Irrespective Of Your Skin colour.

I read an analysis on Gen. Hannibal recently. He was an African, Northern African (you know most of them are light skinned) and the author (a white person obviously) wrote that if he was black, he wouldn't have achieved all of that. Are you serious??? So now the colour of a person's skin will determine his achievements. Well I know many great black men (if you don't, do some research), most of them don't get half the recognition the westerners get.

You may be thinking, what's your point? Well, my point is, racism should stop. I know that world peace is very very... impossible? I don't like that word, but I can't think of a better one, so yeah, world peace is ALMOST impossible with way things are going but what's the harm in believing? I still want to believe that we can actually live in peace and not discriminate.

I just used that analogy to portray the general believe, that black people are worthless. 
Well, I think it is so shallow to judge people based on their physical appearance. 
Research shows that every single race on earth have the same inward features, it is only physical appearance that differs. So, because you're white or brown doesn't mean you're more important or higher than the blacks.

I believe in one people, I believe in love, I believe in peace, I believe in unity and I believe in world peace.

Friday, 20 November 2015


Hey there! Today's focus is on passing judgement. I'll be using the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a case study (I hope I don't get arrested for this lol).
This is going to be super short and straight to the point.

We all know very well that most people, especially the southerners, are not exactly happy with his government. If you are reading this and you are not happy with our president, I'd like you to search your mind, ask yourself why you are unhappy. Now don't say 'it's because of the way Nigeria is, and he is not doing his job' as your cover up story (this country was no better before now anyways). I'll like to answer that question for you, you don't like him because he is from the north and/or he is a Muslim right? I asked someone why she hates Mr. President, if it's because he's a Muslim and she said obviously, that my question is rhetoric. Haba!
If that is your reason, pleaseeeeee have a rethink. I am saying this on a neutral ground, I am not an APC or PDP supporter so don't think I'm saying this because I'm an APC supporter.

With the current fuel issue, I keep hearing sarcastic chants of 'change' from people around me. Things like "shey this is the change they promised? Mtcheeeew" (obviously they are beefing Mr. President lol). I'm sorry to say this, but is this the first time there's been fuel scarcity in this country? What happened in the previous government? We should be praying and hoping for a better Nigeria instead of complaining that a Muslim is our leader. Mr. President might even be doing good things, but tribal/religion hate will not let us see and we will keep complaining.
If he was from your hometown, I bet you every little good he does, the kind of praise you will give him eh? Oh well!
Dear southerners that are not happy with this government, please try and be happy (except you have a genuine reason outside Mr. President's background) because he is our president and your fuss cannot change that *tongue out. I suggest we support and work with him for a better Nigeria. If we stop being tribalist and religious fanatics and work with him, we'll indeed see the 'change'

Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts, I stand corrected.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

INTRODUCTION; A Little Piece On Hate.

Hey guys! Welcome to the activist blog. This is the first post ever and I appreciate you for reading.
This blog will serve as a platform for us all to address the evils happening in the world and the major aim is to encourage peace and love. 

A good man told me that before we self destruct (apparently we're in the process), we should hold on to the tenets of peace and love. Nations turn against nations, race against race, religion against religion and even amongst individual. We keep drowning in the pit we dug with our hands. 
Now if you critically look at the root of the world's problem that arise from hate, you will see that they are minor issues that can be solved immediately without violence. These issues arise mostly because a particular group or individual feel insulted, cheated or used and these thoughts may even be illusions because they refuse to understand other people. It is okay to feel your 'people' are superior but it is worthy to know that every group and everybody is important. Every life matters! We should stop acting like creatures without sense of reason. We should not let stereotypes define a group of people. Help anyone you can, it shouldn't be until the person is part of your group.
Everybody has different frame of preference, we perceive the world differently because of our different backgrounds and belief systems. I'll advice that before you judge a person or group of people, try to see things from their perspective, try to know why they act the way they do! If there were no ill judgements and prejudices in the past, i'm certain that most of the problems we're facing today would not exist.
If you feel a person hates you (like 'duh! I don't have time for negative energy'), please never use that as an excuse to cause harm or say ill about them. If you can't approach them, keep hoping they change, let them see they're wasting their time hating on you (your group, religion, etc) don't confirm their reason for hating on you in the first place. Shine your light! I know this is so cliché but you need to change yourself before you can change your society. Stop following society sef, please do what is right. I'm sure others will learn from you. Be rational, think, don't believe everything you hear about people, you're not a zombie. We all have brains, let us use it. Direct all your energy to positive things, don't hate on people.

Alright guys, this is where I draw the curtains, please share your thoughts and opinions. This is just an introduction, I promise that from the next post, we will critically address biting issues in the world. Basically, this was just a pep talk. Thank you so much for reading.