Hey guys! Welcome to the activist blog. This is the first post ever and I appreciate you for reading.
This blog will serve as a platform for us all to address the evils happening in the world and the major aim is to encourage peace and love.
A good man told me that before we self destruct (apparently we're in the process), we should hold on to the tenets of peace and love. Nations turn against nations, race against race, religion against religion and even amongst individual. We keep drowning in the pit we dug with our hands.
Now if you critically look at the root of the world's problem that arise from hate, you will see that they are minor issues that can be solved immediately without violence. These issues arise mostly because a particular group or individual feel insulted, cheated or used and these thoughts may even be illusions because they refuse to understand other people. It is okay to feel your 'people' are superior but it is worthy to know that every group and everybody is important. Every life matters! We should stop acting like creatures without sense of reason. We should not let stereotypes define a group of people. Help anyone you can, it shouldn't be until the person is part of your group.
Everybody has different frame of preference, we perceive the world differently because of our different backgrounds and belief systems. I'll advice that before you judge a person or group of people, try to see things from their perspective, try to know why they act the way they do! If there were no ill judgements and prejudices in the past, i'm certain that most of the problems we're facing today would not exist.
If you feel a person hates you (like 'duh! I don't have time for negative energy'), please never use that as an excuse to cause harm or say ill about them. If you can't approach them, keep hoping they change, let them see they're wasting their time hating on you (your group, religion, etc) don't confirm their reason for hating on you in the first place. Shine your light! I know this is so cliché but you need to change yourself before you can change your society. Stop following society sef, please do what is right. I'm sure others will learn from you. Be rational, think, don't believe everything you hear about people, you're not a zombie. We all have brains, let us use it. Direct all your energy to positive things, don't hate on people.
Alright guys, this is where I draw the curtains, please share your thoughts and opinions. This is just an introduction, I promise that from the next post, we will critically address biting issues in the world. Basically, this was just a pep talk. Thank you so much for reading.